> microcosmes
Limits are the fundamental issue in our relationship with the world. No organism, no structure, can take on embodied form without them. Limits restrict us as much as they protect and characterise us.
I am defined not only by what I do, but by what I cannot do.
From Babel to Philae, the history of mankind has been one long quest to reach beyond our limits. Transgression is tempting but hardly viable when it fails to respect the integrity of the structures and entities around us. This observation led our ancestors to invent religions and laws.
Most limits are a necessity of life; reaching beyond them is a necessity of dreams.
This latest series, Microcosmes, offers a metaphor for the seeming contradiction between the need to preserve limits while pushing beyond them. The forms it takes – spheres, cubes, pyramids, and various containers – are the territory of a restrained, yet active emotion. The play of interactions guides us through the maze of fundamental desires.
The harmonies that arise are a source of peace – and of questions.
A fourth dimension can break through unexpectedly.
It is as much a game as a lab experiment. The production of closed worlds teeters between asphyxia and the dizzying multitude of potentialities.
Michel Kirch