> video

Michel Kirch
Exhibition "Dans la Vague"
Campredon Art et Image L'isle-sur-la-sorgue
Presentation of Michel Kirch's exhibition at "Espace Campredon Art et Image" at L'isle sur la sorgue, as part of an exhibition bringing together 24 artists on the theme of the Wave.
Until October 7, 2024.
Production and thanks to Olivier Talon.

Michel Kirch at the Galerie Saphir, Marais, with “Inner Worlds”
Exhibition by Michel Kirch, guest of the Saphir Marais Gallery, for the 40th anniversary of the gallery.
One month after having been the Guest of Honor of the Salon d'Automne on the Champs Elysées, Michel Kirch is welcomed at the Saphir Gallery on its 2 levels, with a selection of works entitled "Inner Worlds"

The "Undergrowth" is a specific project in the work of Michel Kirch. First, color is key here. Then, texts accompany the images without commenting on them.
Sensuality is omnipresent there, fruit of osmosis between the elements of a Nature which mixes and intertwines beings as well as minerals. Everything interpenetrates in a kind of symphony of colors and senses, and thereby, make sense emerge…

Opening of the exhibition "le je du jeu" at the museum of FAIENCE and FINE ARTS of NEVERS, as part of the month of photography in NIÈVRE which MICHEL KIRCH is the guest of honor. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2017. MICHEL KIRCH presented 35 works, of which some monumentals, in 11 rooms of the museum. Director: Yannick Pilon

Michel KIRCH and the symbol of the bridge in his artistic work
Michel Kirch speaks at the round table organized by the European Meetings of Jewish Culture and Heritage at the Town Hall of the 4th arrondissement of Paris on September 2, 2015, on the theme "Bridges and Cultures". Michel Kirch puts his work, as well as art in general, in perspective in relation to the theme of the bridge.

Michel KIRCH Espace CARDIN 2011
Opening of the "SPACIALITÉS" exhibition at Espace CARDIN in Paris, December 2011. Under the sponsorship of Edgar MORIN. Exhibition curator, Christina BURRUS. With the artist Dominique Paulin. And the support of ESA (European Space Agency) and ASTRIUM. Realization Muriel Studnia, Agence Ephemere.

Inauguration of Photo Saint-Germain des Prés 2011, tour of the germanopratin galleries!
Interview with Michel Kirch on the occasion of his exhibition at the Insula Gallery as part of the "Photo Saint -German des Prés" event. November 2011
Production: l'Officiel des Galleries et Museums for Parisweb TV

Michel KIRCH, Portrait
Portrait of the plastic photographer Michel Kirch at his studio in Montfort l'Amaury, with his family, as well as at his office in Paris with his assistant. Genesis of the work, reflections on the real that photography as a medium supposes, emergence by the outside world from the interior worlds ...

Set ESSENCE. Limited Edition Portfolio signed on 25 copy. Each portfolio consists of an original print signed and numbered by Michel Kirch, 10 four-color offset prints, a preface by Edgar Morin, and a text by Michel Kirch. The original print can be selected from four photographs. Original print presented with an acid free passe-partout and a tracing page of flap, and each offset print.

Limited Edition Portfolio signed on 25 copie.
Each portfolio consists of an original print signed and numbered by Michel Kirch, 10 four-color offset prints, a preface by Edgar Morin, and a text by Michel Kirch.
The original print can be selected from four photographs.
Original print presented with an acid free passe-partout and a tracing page of flap, and each offset print.

Limited Edition Portfolio signed on 25 copie.
Each portfolio consists of an original print signed and numbered by Michel Kirch, 10 four-color offset prints, a preface by Edgar Morin, and a text by Michel Kirch.
The original print can be selected from four photographs.
Original print presented with an acid free passe-partout and a tracing page of flap, and each offset print.